Publisher:  East African Tax and Governance Network, Africa Centre for People Institutions and Society and Tax Justice Network Africa
Number of pages: 36

Publisher:  Africa Centre for People Institutions and Society
Number of pages: 1

Publisher:  East Africa Tax and Governance Network (EATGN)
Number of pages: 30

Publisher:  Tax Justice Network Africa, East Africa Tax and Governance Network and Africa Center for People Institutions and Society
Number of pages: 32

Publisher:  Africa Centre for People Institutions and Society
Number of pages: 30

Publisher:  East Africa Tax and Governance Network
Number of pages: 52

Publisher:  Transparency and Accountability Initiative (TIA)
Number of pages: 40

Publisher:  The Institute for Social Accountability (TISA)
Number of pages: 75

Publisher:  Okoa Uchumu Coalition
Number of pages: 11

Publisher:  Africa Centre for People Institutions and Society
Number of pages: 135

Publisher:  East African Tax and Governance Network and Africa Centre for People Institutions and Society
Number of pages: 34

Publisher:  UNESCO
Number of pages:

Publisher:  ACEPIS
Number of pages: 16