Date of Publish: 24/04/2022

Number of Pages: 75
Publisher: The Institute for Social Accountability (TISA)

Citizen Voice, Political Accountability and Public Debt Management in Kenya

There have been concerns about the government's decisions on acquisition and utility of debt. Oversight institutions have also also failed to check the errant political leadership and have been ineffective in keeping the executive in check regarding decisions on public debt. Citizens, especially women and youth have thus been forced to bear an inordinate share of the burden through taxes, lack of jobs, denial of socio-economic rights such as health, water and housing, and absence of social protection. Moreover, citizens remain on the fringes of the debt matters, without voice and agency to hold those responsible to account. It is against this background that TISA, with support from Christian Aid, sought to implement a project aimed at promoting the engagement of youth and women in advocating for prudent and accountable public debt management and inclusive development in Kenya. This research formed a component of the project and sought to generate evidence through a baseline survey on citizen perceptions on public debt and how it affects their lives and livelihoods. The study also included a Political Economy Analysis on structural, political, social and economic issues around youth and women's engagement in public debt issues.
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